Angels Reach
Our Programs
The uniquely effective Angels Reach Program Model is distinguished in that it was developed collaboratively by specialists in various fields, with the guidance and input from the founder, a professional educator who is also the mother of a child recovered from Autism. Our Clinical and School Programs are Trans-Disciplinary, offering the integration of the approaches proven to be most effective, and blending both adult-led as well as child-centered methodologies into a personalized plan for each child. All therapists, teachers and supporting staff at Angels Reach are cross-trained on multiple disciplines allowing each team member to uphold the organization’s integrative philosophy and to maximize effectiveness.
Clinical Programs
Angels Reach Foundation offers both group and individual clinical programs, year long, as well as during special summer camps.
Our unique programs group children according to individual functioning abilities to receive integrated therapies and academics. Clinical therapies include Speech/Language, Occupational, Sensory Integration, ABA/Behavior Therapy, Developmental Play, Socio-Relational (™), Cognitive Support, Pragmatics, Art and Music Therapy, Autism Movement Therapy, Performing Arts Groups, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and School Readiness. Individual one-to-one therapies are also provided within other schools and in-home. Camp programs include Therapy Intensive Groups, High Functioning/ADD/ADHD Groups, Pre-Teen/Teen Socio-Emotional Groups, Creative Expression Groups and Gifted/Enrichment Groups. Adult:child ratios within the groups are maintained as low as 1:1.
School Program
In addition to customized therapy programs, The Angels Reach Academy for Divergent Learners offers state of the art programming for students ranging from Gifted/Advanced, Regular Education and Special Needs. This unique educational setting boasts
- Very small class sizes
- Individualized curriculums
- Leadership and critical thinking skills
- Dual language education
- Theme-based cross-curricular learning
- Career oriented electives beginning in middle school
- Integration of our intensive therapy/clinical program
- Therapist supported inclusion into general education classrooms
Angels Reach academic programs are especially successful in supporting children who may not have demonstrated their full potentials yet, or who are simply having a difficult time succeeding in traditional classrooms, and empowerring them with an understanding of their capabiities for Compassionate Leadership. Our students grow to understand that they all have the ability to impact another's life for the better as they become proactive civic leaders both in our local communities as well as with youth in distant communities. Our values of "Excellence, Integrity, Compassion, Dedication, Determination, and Respect" are reinforced not only in our professional staff, but in all our children as well, so that all may experience the joy and satisfaction of being a change agent in our community.
Community Outreach Programs
Our exceptional success is possible not only through our dedicated work with our children, but also because of our comprehensive family and caregiver support programs. We offer family and professional training programs, bio-medical and nutritional resources, complementary/integrative therapies, funding support, and counseling resources. Each child and family is viewed individually and broad based support plans are developed which integrate in-house and community resources which facilitate family involvement in their own child’s success.

Be an angel
With the support of individuals and corporations, Angels Reach has the ability to touch the hearts and change the lives of the children who study in our School. It is with great pride that we acknowledge and thank our donors and sponsors for their acts of kindness and generous support.